Thursday, December 20, 2007



Add sale punch to describe your merchandise or sales offer - use

one of the following words. It may be helpful, used alone, or

with other words. They have been selected from successful ads

for your convenience in preparing copy.

Absolutely.. Amazing.. Approved.. Attractive.. Authentic..

Bargain...Beautiful.. Better.. Big.. Colorful.. Colossal..

Complete.. Confidential.. Crammed.. Delivered.. Direct..

Discount.. Easily.. Endorsed.. Enormous.. Excellent.. Exciting..

Exclusive.. Expert.. Famous.. Fascinating.. Fortune.. Full..

Genuine.. Gift.. Gigantic.. Greatest.. Guaranteed.. Helpful..

Highest.. Huge.. Immediately.. Improved.. Informative..

Instructive.. Interesting.. Largest.. Latest.. Lavishly..

Liberal.. Lifetime.. Limited.. Lowest.. Magic.. Mammoth..

Miracle.. Noted.. Odd.. Outstanding.. Personalized.. Popular..

Powerful.. Practical.. Professional.. Profitable.. Profusely..

Proven.. Quality.. Quickly.. Rare.. Reduced.. Refundable..

Remarkable.. Reliable.. Revealing.. Revolutionary.. Scarce..

Secrets.. Security.. Selected.. Sensational.. Simplified..

Sizable.. Special.. Startling.. Strange.. Strong.. Sturdy..

Successful.. Superior.. Surprise.. Terrific.. Tested..

Tremendous.. Unconditional.. Unique.. Unlimited.. Unparalleled..

Unsurpassed.. Unusual.. Useful.. Valuable.. Wealth.. Weird..



Close your ad with an action-getting phrase. Give the reader

something to write or do. Here are 70 suggestions for ways to

get action. Study them. They will help you prepare your copy

for better results.

Act now!.. Send your name.. All sent free to introduce.. Amazing

literature.. Free.. Ask for free folder.. Bargain lists sent

free.. Be first to qualify.. Booklet free!.. Catalog included

free.. Complete details free.. Current list free.. Dealers write

for prices.. Description sent free.. Details free!.. Dime brings

details.. Everything supplied!.. Exciting details free.. Extra

for promptness.. First lesson, 25 cents.. Folder free!..

For literature, write:.. Free booklet explains.. Free plans tell

how.. Free selling kit.. Free wholesale plan.. Free with

approvals.. Full particulars free.. Get facts that help..

Get started today!.. Get your copy now!.. Get yours wholesale..

Gifts with purchases.. Illustrated lists free.. Interesting details

free.. Investigate today.. It's Free!.. Act Now!.. Literature

free.. Mail material to:.. Money making facts free.. No

obligation! Write!.. Offer limited!.. Send today.. Only 10 cents

to introduce.. Order direct from:.. Order Now!.. Don't Delay!..

Particulars free.. Postcard brings details.. Request free

literature.. Revealing booklet free.. Rush name for details..

Sales kit furnished.. Sample details free.. Samples sent on trial..

See before you buy.. Send for free details.. Send for it today..

Send no money.. Send post card today.. Send 15 cents for

mailing.. Send today.. Send your want lists.. Stamp brings

details.. Stamped envelope brings.. Test lesson free.. Unique

sample offer.. Valuable details free.. Write for free booklet free..

Write us first!.. Yours for the asking.. 15 cent stamp for details..

$1 brings complete.. 32-page catalog free



in the Order of Their "Threat" to You

occasion.. recommend.. occurred.. principal.. equipped..

accommodate.. disappoint.. possession.. privilege.. proceed..

inconvenience.. accept.. business.. necessary.. personal..

receive.. reference.. separate.. their.. whether.. questionnaire..

criticism.. description.. effect.. extension.. judgment..

quantity.. similar.. undoubtedly.. height.. immediately..

stationery.. foreign.. fourth.. government.. omitted.. weather..

personnel.. existence.. analysis.. across.. appearance.. loose..

pamphlet.. practical.. preferred.. unnecessary.. affect..

attendance.. incidentally.. apparent.. calendar.. professor..

strictly.. principle.. already.. coming.. its.. oblige..

opportunity.. original.. paid.. probably.. referring.. referred..

there.. too.. writing.. among.. arrangement.. practically..

convenient.. canceled.. really.. using.. beginning.. especially..

volume.. committee.. confident.. difference.. endeavor..

explanation.. except.. sincerely.. experience.. benefited..

conscientious.. eligible.. acquaintance.. controversy.. exceed..

laboratory.. omission.. procedure.. acknowledgment..

Wednesday.. guarantee.. February.. schedule.

The Key is to combine your words: EXAMPLE: "THE MAGIC

MAMMOUTH MIRACLE"; "The Three "M" Program"... This has

already caught the attention and interest of your prospect! Now...

for example say: The Money Making Facts are FREE! Merely

Enclose your LSASE or $$ or Whatever! Fill in with a few details

and you have a tremendous $$ Pulling Ad. Use your own Ideas,

but build them around these words and phrases! but remember,

your follow-up material, must be just as interesting to get the


NOW: A little test... did you catch the mispelling of Mammoth

(Mammouth)... well it's correct either way - the "ou" is used by

the British!


To obtain thousands of reports on CD-ROM just like this one to

sell through the mail and on the internet, including a free Web-Site

and Training Resources, please write for free information:


PO Box 903

Oceanside, CA. 92049

Become a Distributor and you can earn $70.00 for each CD you sell

All Reports on this CD include full Reprint Rights


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