Thursday, December 20, 2007



"Tricks of the Trade" We've Used to Get a Lot of Free Ads

Published 1991 by Mascor Publishing, Silver Spring, Maryland

1. Advertising Specials: If a magazine offers a "two for one"

deal, or a "pay for 3 and get a fourth ad free", take advantage

of it; it's Free Advertising!

2. Free Listings: Some publications offer to list your name and

address Free, if you have something that you offer "free for the

asking" to their readers. This can be a "free sample", a free

list of customers; or whatever. Tell publishers what you have

to offer!

3. Print a Booklet Offering Tips: List tips or what-have-you, and

on the inside pages, or in the back, place some of your own Free


4. The Piggy-Back Method: Every time you get ready to mail a

letter or fill an order, place other ads in the envelope; it

costs you no more and it's like getting a free ad!!

5. Free "Give-Aways": These can be pens, rulers; key chains, etc.,

each with YOUR ad message and address on each one. Give them

away and your Free Ad rides along!

6. Your Own Advertiser/Newsletter: Issue it regularly; sell ad

space in it and subscriptions to it. They pay for the printing

and postage, and YOUR ads in it, too, at no cost to you!

7. Trade Products/Services for Ad Space: If you have something

which a publisher needs, trade what they want, for ad space!

8. Provide Commission Ads to Dealers: Your dealers place YOUR

ads over THEIR name! Free Ads for your products!

9. Columns; Releases, etc.: Publishers will often print these

free, if it's NEWS, or interesting to their readers! Send

notices out to editors and get free ads in exchange!

10. Share Costs With Others: Get together with other dealers and

mailers. Split costs and quantities with others. Your ads go

FREE to HIS customers, and HIS go free to yours!

11. Offer Your Commission Ads to Publishers: They insert them as

"mailer/distributor" commission ads! They cost you nothing and

can get you lots of orders!

12. Your Product as a BONUS Item on Another's Flyer: This can

increase the other person's orders, and YOUR product gets

advertised on HIS fliers, etc!

13. Place PIM-50 Phrases in your Ads: This says to Publisher:

"Insert my ad in your publication and I'll help distribute 50"

(or more) copies for you. It's another kind of "trade deal"

with publishers.

14. Give a Talk or Seminar: Contact local clubs, and organizations.

They always seek outside speakers. After you talk about your

business or your product, hand out flyers, etc. It's like

getting free advertising!

15. Ads on Bulletin Boards: Put up flyers on grocery, laundry

bulletin boards.

16. Make a Rubber Stamp of your Ad: Stamp it everywhere you

can. Stamp it on envelopes; flyers; etc.

17. Be Listed as a Source in Back of Books: Often writers will want

to list references and sources in their books. Get the work out

to authors! Look for ads offering Free Ads!!

18. Discount to "a Friend": Tell your customers you will give

discounts to anyone they send your way! It's Word of Mouth

advertising; the best you can get and it's free!

Free advertising is any message that goes out to prospective

buyers without cost to you! There are lots of ways to get

others to spread the word about what you offer! Try these

methods; and you'll get lot of free ads; which mean more

responses and more orders!

Written by: CHRISTENSEN'S,

1412 Mt. Shasta Dr.

San Jose, CA 95127


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