Thursday, December 20, 2007



Everybody wants to make more money... In fact, most people

would like to hit upon something that makes them fabulously rich!

And seemingly, one of the easiest roads to the fulfillment of these

dreams of wealth is mail order or within the professional circles of

the business, direct mail selling...

The only thing is, hardly anyone gives much real thought to the

basic ingredient of selling by mail - the writing of profitable

classified ads. If your mail order business is to succeed, then you

must acquire the expertise of writing classified ads that sell your

product or services!

So what makes a classified ad good or bad? First of all, it must

appeal to the reader, and as such, it must say exactly what you

want it to say. Secondly, it has to say what it says in the least

possible number of words in order to keep your operating costs

within your budget. And thirdly, it has to produce the desired

results whether inquiries or sales.

Grabbing the reader's attention is your first objective. You must

assume the reader is "scanning" the page on which your ad

appears in the company of two or three hundred classified ads.

Therefore, there has to be something about your ad that causes

him to stop scanning and look at yours! So, the first two or three

words of your ad are of the utmost importance and deserve your

careful consideration. Most surveys show that words or phrases

that quickly involve the reader, tend to be the best attention-

grabbers. Such words as: FREE... WIN... MAKE BIG MONEY...

Whatever words you use as attention-grabbers, to start your ads,

you should bear in mind that they'll be competing with similar

attention-grabbers of the other ads on the same page. Therefore,

in addition to your lead words, your ad must quickly go on to

promise or state further benefits to the reader. In other words,

your ad might read something like this: MAKE BIG MONEY!

Easy & Simple. We show you how!

In the language of professional copywriters, you've grabbed the

attention of your prospect, and interested him with something that

even he can do.

The next rule of good classified copywriting has to do with the

arousal of the reader's desire to get in on your offer. In a great

many instances, this rule is by-passed, and it appears, this is the

real reason that an ad doesn't pull according to the expectations

of the advertiser.

Think about it - you've got your reader's attention; you've told him

it's easy and simple; and you're about to ask him to do

something. Unless you take the time to further "want your offer,"

your ad is going to only half turn him on. He'll compare your ad

with the others that have grabbed his attention and finally decide

upon the one that interests him the most.

What I'm saying is that here is the place for you to insert that

magic word "guaranteed" or some other such word or phrase.

So now, we've got an ad that reads: MAKE BIG MONEY! Easy

& Simple. Guaranteed!

Now the reader is turned on, and in his mind, he can't lose. You're

ready to ask for his money. This is the "demand for action" part

of your ad. This is the part where you want to use such words as:

Limited offer - Act now! Write today! Only and/or just...

Putting it all together, then your ad might read something like this:

MAKE BIG MONEY! Easy & Simple. Guaranteed! Limited offer.

Send $l to:

These are the ingredients of any good classified ad - Attention -

Interest - Desire - Action... Without these four ingredients skillfully

integrated into your ad, chances are your ad will just "lie there"

and not do anything but cost you money. What we've just shown

you is a basic classified ad. Although such an ad could be

placed in any leading publication and would pull a good

response, it's known as a "blind ad" and would pull inquiries and

responses from a whole spectrum of people reading the

publication in which it appeared. In other words, from as many

"time-wasters" as from bona fide buyers.

So let's try to give you an example of the kind of classified ad you

might want to use, say to sell a report such as this one... Using all

the rules of basic advertising copywriting, and stating exactly what

our product is, our ad reads thusly:

MONEY-MAKER'S SECRETS! How To Write winning classified

ads. Simple & easy to learn -should double or triple your

responses. Rush $1 to BC Sales, 10 Main Anytown, TX 75001.

The point we're making is that: l) You've got to grab the reader's

attention... 2) You've got to "interest him" with something that

appeals to him... 3) You've got to "further stimulate" him with

something (catch-phrase) that makes him "desire" the product or

service... 4) Demand that he act immediately...

There's no point in being tricky or clever. Just adhere to the

basics and your profits will increase accordingly. One of the best

ways of learning to write good classified ads is to study the

classifieds - try to figure out exactly what they're attempting to sell

- and then practice rewriting them according to the rules we've just

given you. Whenever you sit down to write a classified, always

write it all out - write down everything you want to say - and then

go back over it, crossing out words, and refining your


The final ingredient of your classified ad is of course, your name,

address to which the reader is to respond - where he's to send

his money or write for further information.

Generally speaking, readers respond more often to ads that

include a name than to those showing just initials or an address

only. However, because advertising costs are based upon the

number of words, or the amount of space your ad uses, the use of

some names in classified ads could become quite expensive. If

we were to ask our ad respondents to write to or send their

money to The Research Writers & Publishers Association, or to

Book Business Mart, or even to Money Maker's Opportunity

Digest, our advertising costs would be prohibitive. Thus we

shorten our name Researchers or Money-Makers. The point here

is to think relative to the placement costs of your ad, and to

shorten excessively long names.

The same holds true when listing your post office box number.

Shorten it to just plain Box 40, or in the case of a rural delivery,

shorten it to just RRl.

The important thing is to know the rules of profitable classified ad

writing, and to follow them. Hold your costs in line.

Now you know the basics... the rest is up to you.


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